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Facebook Forms

Facebook Forms

Please note that this module is only compatible with version 2.1.0 - 2.2.6 of the Form Tools Core. It is not supported in Form Tools 3.

Facebook Forms: the updated survey
Facebook Forms: the updated survey

The Facebook Forms module is a great way to create Facebook forms for you or your clients, accessible and styled according to the familiar Facebook interface.

There are no limitations to the number or size of your forms, what information you want stored, what field types the data needs to be in, or anything of that nature. It's quick and easy to set up and - since it uses Form Tools to manage the form data - very, very powerful! Plus, the module doesn't require any programming knowledge - just a little patience in the beginning while you learn how it all works. :)

So, enjoy! As always, please let us know through the forums what you think of the module, what features you would like to see and any problems you encounter.