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Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Warning: this is an advanced module, intended for web developers. You need to have some expertise in HTML, CSS, JS, Smarty and PHP.
Important! Anyone using versions earlier than 2.1.0 of this module, please read this page.

Custom Fields module
Custom Fields module
The Custom Fields module lets you customize and create those very field types that you can use in your Form Tools forms: textboxes, textareas, dropdowns and so on. This is an incredibly powerful module. In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves: "Whoaahhh".

The Custom Fields was designed alongside version 2.1.0 of the Form Tools Core to provide more flexibility with the field types and what options are available to configure them. Rather than distributing this functionality with the main release, we decided that it would lead to a lot of confusion and may cause people to accidentally break their installations. So instead, the Custom Fields module is released separately for anyone who needs a little advanced functionality.

What can it do for you?

  • Create totally new field types for use in Form Tools and your published Form Builder forms.
  • Tweak existing field types, including adding new configurable settings to existing ones ***
  • Allocated database storage for the fields
  • Control every single character that's used in displaying and editing the field type.
  • Add new settings for your field type to get more usage out of it when configuring your fields.
  • Add new validation rules to field types.

As of Form Tools 3.0.10, the core field types are now all locked down. But instead you can make copies of those fields and edit them.