Custom Fields
Breaking changes in 2.1.0
- Update to version 2.1.0 of this module (and Form Tools Core 3.0.10)
- Make copies of the field types you edited.
- Use those new field types in your forms
What's going on
This was an oversight on my part. I didn't consider the problems that this module caused, and only recently noticed the documentation was incorrect: Form Tools cannot guarantee it won't overwrite the core field types whenever you upgrade the Form Tools Core. Originally it claimed to do just that, but I found this wasn't possible: occasionally bugs would arise in the field types which need patching. Fixing those bugs necessarily meant overwriting changes you may have made to them via this module.
So to prevent any future problems, the Form Tools Core now locks down those core fields types. However, you can still copy them and make changes to the copies - and hide the original field types from View. So from a UI perspective the change won't be noticeable.