API v1.x
This function updates a client account. Usage:
The first parameter is the unique account ID; the second a hash (associative array) with any of the following values.
- first_name - the client's first name
- last_name - the client's last name
- email - the client's email address
- username - the client's login username
- password - the client's login password. Note: this should not be unencrypted. The function encrypts it itself.
- account_status - "active", "disabled", "pending" (default: "active")
- ui_language - should only be one of the languages currently supported by the script, e.g. "en_us"
- timezone_offset - +- an integer value
- sessions_timeout - the inactivity duration after which the user is logged out (default: 30)
- date_format - the formatting for the dates in the user's UI. Default: "M jS y, g:i A". See the PHP date() function for formatting options
- login_page - the login page for the user (i.e. where they're redirected to after logging in). This value should be the key value from the $g_pages variable, found at the top of in the /global/code/menus.php file.
- logout_url - where the client is sent when they log out
- theme - the name of the theme folder
- menu_id - the unique menu ID
The function will only overwrite those values specified in the second parameter. If it's not included, it will be ignored. Note: it will still overwrite the settings if the hash key is defined but empty! So be sure to only pass those keys that you need to overwrite.