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Hooks Manager

Step 1: Add a new "last emailed" form field

First off, we're going to create a new form field that's going to store the last emailed date. The way this is going to work is that every form submission will now have a "last emailed date" field, containing just that: the last time the submission was emailed.

Add database field (
Add database field ("last emailed")
  1. In Form Tools, edit the form and go to the Database tab, as shown in the screenshot to the right. On this page, click the "Add Field(s)" button on the bottom right of the page.
  2. On the following page, enter in the fields as shown the next screenshot. It's important that you enter these values in exactly as described:
    • Pass On - leave unchecked
    • Form Field Name - "last_emailed"
    • Display Text - "Last Emailed"
    • Add database field 2 (
      Add database field 2 ("last emailed")
      Field Size - Small (<= 20 chars)
    • Data Type - "String"
    • Database Column - "last_emailed"
    Finally, Click the "Add Field" button and proceed to the next step.