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Form Builder

Common Problems

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My field isn't showing up in the form!

This is a very common problem and there are two likely causes:

  1. Did you add your form manually through the Edit Form » Fields tab? If so, don't forget to add it to your View(s) as well! The Form Builder uses your Views to determine what fields should be included in your published form. You will need to add it to the View that your published form is using. To do that, edit the View and go to the Fields sub-tab. There, add your new field.
  2. Is your field marked as non-editable? If so, it won't be included in your published form! System fields (Submission ID, submission Date, Last Modified and IP Address) are automatically removed from your published form. Similarly, fields marked as non-editable don't make any sense being display (since there'd be no field for the user to fill in!) so they are removed.

    You can find out if a field is editable by going to the Edit Form » Views » Edit View » Fields sub tab and look at the "Editable" column.

WYSIWYG or Code / Markup field values not being stored properly

For security reasons, all Form Tools forms are configured to strip out any markup / code within the form fields. However, if you publish a form with the Form Builder that contains either of these field types, you'll need to disable that feature.

To change it, go to the Edit Form » Main tab and set the "Strip tags in form submissions" setting to "no".

Checkboxes or Multi-select field values not being stored properly

This is another common problem, often encountered with the other form types: Internal and External. Checkboxes and Multi-select fields must have enough database space allocated to store ALL selected item in the list. If too little space is available, the information will be truncated and only the first few entries will be stored in the field.

To increase the storage for your field, go to the Edit Form » Fields tab and edit the field. There, change the Field Size setting to something a little larger.