Adding a Page to the menu navigation
Form Tools lets you customize the contents of the Form Tools navigation for both administrators and clients. In fact, you can construct as many client menus as you want, so if need be, every client would see a different navigation menu when they log in. The menu contents are managed through the Settings » Menus page. Once you add a Page through the Pages module, you will be able to select it on the add/edit menu pages - so let's begin by adding a Page.
Adding a Page is very simple. Just go to your Modules page, and select the Pages module. Here, click the "Add Page" button. All pages have three - and only three - fields:
- Page Name - this is used to uniquely identify the Page in dropdowns throughout the script. It also serves as the default menu item label if the page gets linked to in a menu.
- Page Heading - this is the title of the page appearing in the browsers' title field, and acts as the main page title.
- Page Content - this is a WYSIWYG editor, letting you easily generate HTML for the page content.
Making a Page the default login page
After creating your page, you have the option of making that page the default login page for any user account - including the administrator.
- To make it the default login page for all future client accounts, go to the Settings » Accounts page. Here, select the appropriate Page in the "Login Page" dropdown field. You can also opt to allow clients to pick their own login page, by checking the "Client's may edit" checkbox. (Don't worry: clients can only ever pick a login page that's already defined in their own menu!)
- You can customize the login page for an individual client account on the Edit Client » Settings page.
- Lastly, you can customize your own login page on the Your Account page.
Currently, Pages are limited to text only. You can FTP images to your server and link to them via HTML, but there is no facility in place to upload images / files directly, or extract dynamic content from the Form Tools database. Depending on the requests from individual users, specific features may be added at a later date.