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TinyMCE Field


TinyMCE Configuration Settings
TinyMCE Configuration Settings

Up until 2.1.0, Form Tools came with a baked-in WYSIWYG editor. This allowed the administrator to choose a rich-text editor for form fields, letting Form Tools users edit those field types with all the benefits of rich-text.

(A quick aside. In case you didn't already know, WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get - it's a commonly used term for rich-text editors. Moving on!).

With Form Tools 2.1.0, the WYSIWYG functionality was extracted and placed in a separate module. Partly this was due to the restructuring of the way field types are handled; partly it was simply because the WYSIWYG functionality wasn't central to the core functionality of the script and lent itself to being in a separate module. But placing it in a module also affords the following benefits:

  • It's now a lot easier to update since it's independent of the Form Tools Core. We can now release quick updates and fixes.
  • The tinyMCE is no longer the only possible WYSIWYG field type. Depending on user requirements, we can add additional WYSIWYG modules for scripts like FCKEditor or htmlarea. Anything goes!