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Editing an account

Client account information is separated into three tabs: main, settings and forms. This has been shuffled around since Form Tools 1.x versions, with the former "styles" tab now moved to the separate Themes section.

Main tab

The main tab contains all information about the client themselves, including name, login information and email address. Note that the username and password fields may only contain alphanumeric characters(a-z, A-Z, 0-9). All account passwords are now encrypted in the database, so you only need to re-enter the password if you wish to change it. Otherwise, leave the fields blank.

The status field controls the overall status of the user account. It has three options: active, pending and disabled. "Pending" is an option supplied for completeness: the Form Tools API allows you to programmatically create accounts, e.g. you could have a "sign up" form on your website. This setting is the default value for all programmatically craeated accounts, letting you quickly identify which accounts have been requested. If you're not concerned about this feature, just ignore the option.

Settings tab

If you've been looking around the other administration pages, the Edit Client » Settings tab may look familiar. It's a carbon copy of the Settings » Accounts tab, containing exactly the same options. The Settings » Accounts tab contains the default settings for all newly created client accounts. This is a convenient way to choose those settings you'd like to set for all future accounts, saving you the bother of having to manually set each account. On the Edit Client » Settings tab, you have the option of overriding any of those default values for this client.

By and large, the content on this tab should be largely self-explanatory. The one hidden option is that you may include a {$page} placeholder in the Page Titles field. Each page in the UI has it's own label ("e.g. Edit View"). This placeholder is converted to the appropriate meaning for each page.

Forms tab

The last tab lists those forms and Views which this client can access. For more information on the nuances of this page, see the following Account Permissions page.