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The Test Submission

At this point, you've done 95% of the work. Now you just need to put through a test submission so that Form Tools knows what form content to store.

Log into Form Tools (as the administrator) and on the Forms page, click on "Add Form". Continue to step 3 and click on the second "Code" option. There, it will have generated a line of PHP which looks like this (X will be your form number):

Copy that line and overwrite the corresponding line in your form page.

After saving, go to your "thankyou" page in your browser to ensure that sessions have been deleted, then go back to your form. Here, fill in every field in your form and click submit. You should see something like the screenshot to the right.

Return to Form Tools, click the "refresh page" button at the bottom of the page, then click "Next Step ยป" to continue adding your form.